Completing all doubts! Does getting braces really change your face?

Aside from correcting dental issues like misaligned or crooked teeth, many people also believe that getting braces can make their face appear slimmer. Due to this perception, nowadays, those who desire a more slender face consider orthodontic treatment as an option to reshape their facial structure. Moreover, this method is considered safe and non-invasive, unlike surgical procedures. However, to validate whether this belief is true or not, this article will present medical information to answer the question: Does getting braces really change your face? Follow along to find the answer and gain more insights into orthodontic treatment and facial features.

Does getting braces really change your face? Why do some faces appear slimmer after getting braces?

The answer to whether getting braces can change your face is true… but not always.

Although the primary purpose of orthodontic treatment is generally to address various dental issues, such as gaps, overlaps, misalignment, and protrusion of teeth, the natural relationship between our facial structure and the teeth within the oral cavity cannot be overlooked. Thus, when the positions of teeth change due to orthodontic treatment, there is a chance that the face might undergo corresponding changes. For instance, some people may notice that their face appears smaller or narrower after getting braces. This can be attributed to the fact that when teeth that used to protrude or overlap are realigned, it can cause changes in the facial appearance. Some individuals might experience a reduction in facial width, a more refined jawline, and other subtle changes as a result of the teeth alignment process. When teeth are properly aligned and positioned, any former facial fullness due to prominent or misaligned teeth can diminish, causing the face to appear slimmer.

However, there are cases where getting braces doesn’t lead to noticeable changes in the face. This is because changes in tooth positions don’t necessarily impact the overall facial structure. Therefore, it’s important to have a comprehensive assessment by an experienced orthodontist to determine the potential effects of orthodontic treatment on facial appearance.

Why does our face change after getting braces?

Building on the explanation above, aside from the aforementioned change in facial appearance due to the realignment of teeth, other factors can contribute to changes in the face after orthodontic treatment:

  1. Reduced protrusion: When teeth that were previously sticking out are moved into proper alignment, it can affect the appearance of the lips and jaw, creating a more balanced profile.
  2. Improved bite alignment: Correcting a misaligned bite can lead to changes in the way the upper and lower jaws interact, which can influence the overall appearance of the face.
  3. Altered facial balance: The proper alignment of teeth can lead to better facial symmetry and balance, which can contribute to a more attractive overall appearance.
  4. Changes in the lips and cheeks: Teeth play a role in supporting the lips and cheeks, so their movement can indirectly affect the way these soft tissues sit on the face.
  5. Improved chin position: Proper orthodontic treatment can sometimes help align the jaw and improve the position of the chin, which can impact the overall facial profile.

It’s worth noting that the most important aspect of orthodontic treatment is addressing dental issues. Changes in facial appearance are considered secondary effects that may or may not occur depending on individual factors.

Which types of dental issues can lead to facial changes after getting braces?

As mentioned earlier, while it’s true that getting braces can lead to changes in facial appearance for some individuals, not everyone will experience these changes. However, there are certain dental issues that have a higher likelihood of causing facial changes after orthodontic treatment:

  1. Protruding teeth: Teeth that stick out or are spaced irregularly can cause the face to appear wider or more pronounced in certain areas. When these teeth are aligned, the facial appearance can change accordingly.
  2. Overlapping teeth: Misaligned teeth that overlap can lead to asymmetry and facial unevenness. When these teeth are corrected, the face might appear more balanced and symmetrical.
  3. Misaligned bite: An incorrect bite can impact the relationship between the jaws and affect the overall facial proportions. Addressing the bite can influence the facial appearance.
  4. Jaw positioning: Orthodontic treatment can sometimes involve adjusting the position of the upper and lower jaws, which can have an impact on the facial profile.
  5. Dental gaps: Excessive gaps between teeth can cause certain areas of the face to appear wider. Closing these gaps can lead to subtle changes in facial appearance.

Remember that the extent of facial changes will vary from person to person, and the best way to determine the potential effects of orthodontic treatment on your face is to consult with an experienced orthodontist.

Think of orthodontic treatment, think of DENTA-JOY THE ORTHODONTIST

Having answered all your doubts about whether getting braces can really change your face, if you’re still unsure about where to start your orthodontic journey, consider Denta-joy THE ORTHODONTIST as your solution! We are experts in orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry, providing services with experienced and skilled professionals who adhere to high standards and use modern tools in our clinic. You can confidently trust us to guide you through a safe treatment process.

If you have any questions or need more information, feel free to contact us at 095-491-8659.