Deep Dive! How old should you get braces and where should you get them done?

Surely everyone already knows that “orthodontic treatment” is a medical process that helps correct issues with crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, teeth not meeting properly, and misaligned teeth to achieve efficient results. Dental problems can occur at any age and for all genders, making it a common question to ask when to start orthodontic treatment and which clinic to choose. There are numerous dental clinics specializing in orthodontics, and making the right choice requires careful consideration and thorough research, as orthodontic treatment is a relatively long process and nobody wants undesirable results.

Let’s find answers to the questions about when to get braces and where to get them done. Orthodontic treatment is a medical process that helps correct issues with crooked teeth, overlapping teeth, teeth not meeting properly, and misaligned teeth to achieve efficient results. Dental problems can occur at any age and for all genders.

When should you get braces? Many people often wonder at what age orthodontic treatment should begin. Generally, orthodontic treatment should start as early as possible to address dental issues promptly. The suitable age for orthodontic treatment is typically during the teenage years, around ages 12-15, when the milk teeth have fallen out and the permanent teeth have fully grown in.

Orthodontic treatment can be categorized by age, and it yields different results for each group:

  • Children: Addresses abnormal jaw growth and alters the positioning of teeth.
  • Adolescents: Aligns and corrects misaligned teeth, contributing to good oral hygiene.
  • Adults: Corrects misaligned teeth positions and enhances self-confidence in smiling.

How long does orthodontic treatment take? The duration of orthodontic treatment varies based on individual patient factors, treatment techniques, and patient cooperation. For fixed or removable braces, which are the most popular forms of orthodontic treatment, the process usually takes around 2 to 3 years. However, if you’re looking for a quick aesthetic fix, you might consider the BRIUS orthodontic technique, which is offered exclusively by Denta-joy. This technique can yield beautiful results in less than a year.

Choosing the right orthodontic clinic: Here are some tips to consider when choosing the right orthodontic clinic that will deliver satisfactory results:

  1. Select a clinic with standards: Make sure the clinic is licensed and registered, and equipped with modern and sterilized dental instruments.
  2. Choose a trustworthy clinic: The clinic should provide transparent information about their services and treatment packages, along with a stable physical presence to ensure uninterrupted care.
  3. Opt for experienced orthodontists: Consider the expertise of orthodontists and their specialized training in orthodontics. Verify their qualifications and certifications.
  4. Look for a clinic that offers ongoing support: An ideal clinic should provide continuous follow-up appointments, offer valuable advice, and maintain efficient appointment scheduling.
  5. Consider reasonable pricing: Choose a clinic that offers services fitting your budget, while taking into account the treatment techniques and materials used. Some clinics offer installment plans.
  6. Check reviews: Seek feedback and reviews from previous patients or explore online reviews to gauge patient satisfaction and clinic credibility.
  7. Choose convenience: Opt for a clinic that’s conveniently located, making it easy for you to attend appointments without hassles.

If you’re seeking a reliable clinic for orthodontic treatment that aligns with your needs, Denta-joy THE ORTHODONTIST is a reputable option. Their expert orthodontists are experienced and ready to offer quality care. If you have any inquiries or need more information, you can contact them at 095-491-8659.